Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


            In any organization in any kind whether large or small groups, either formally or informally definitely need someone who acts as leader of the organization. The need for a leader and role can not be denied, because the leader is a determining factor of success or failure of an organization.
It has been known that the leadership (leadership) is the core of management, because leadership is the driving force for the resources and tools within the organization (Siagian, 1990:36).
According Sugandha (1981:34) says that "leaders are people who have the duty to direct and guide subordinates and subordinates as well as to gain support to be able to control them towards the achievement of organizational goals."
          While understanding the leader according to Karyadi (1995:35) a leader is a person who has special skills, with or without an official appointment could affect the group he leads, to make joint efforts lead to the achievement of certain targets.
Based on some of these definitions, it can be concluded that the leader is a person who has the ability in influencing and directing others (subordinates) so as to hold a joint cooperation to achieve predetermined goals.
       So from the above understanding, it was obvious that a leader with his leadership must be able to influence, change and move the behavior of subordinates or others to achieve goals.
        According to Muslim scholars: Al-Farabi defines Rais or leader who is like the heart that is in humans and be a determinant in all activities. Al Aqqad interpret as a leader who leads people in the law enforcement (Personality) so that conditions demanded of it centered on the ability to enforce those laws. Every person who leads the human and the maintenance of law, is fitting into a leader in Islam (Al Dhimogratiyah fil Islam).
In Islam there is the hadith narrated by Muslim: each of you is a leader and each of you will be held accountable for the people they lead. So a leader who led the crowd is in charge of those being led. Or in the Qur'an sura Al-Baqarah verse 30.
        Being a leader is a trust that must be implemented and executed well by the leaders, because one day God will hold it accountable for its leadership. And in Islam already rules in this regard include the following:
1. Intention Straight
    Let now accept a responsibility, based on the intention in accordance with what Allah has perintahkan.Lalu accompanied it with the hope of His good pleasure saja.Kepemimpinan or position is the responsibility and burden, not a chance and glory.
2. Male
    Women should not take the helm kepemimpinan.Rasulullah Shalallahu'alaihi wa sallam said, "There will be lucky people who dipimpim by a woman (Reported by Bukhari from Abu Bakarah Radhiyallahu'anhu).
3. No Request Title
   Rasullullah said to Abdur-Rahman bin Samurah Radhiyallahu'anhu, "O Abdul Rahman bin Samurah! Do you ask to be pemimpin.Sesungguhnya if the leadership is given to you for the request, then you will bear the responsibility alone, and if the leadership was given to you not because of demand, then you will be helped to bear it. "(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.
4. Sticking to the Law of God.
   This is one of the primary obligation of a pemimpin.Allah said, "And be ye judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires." (Al-Maaidah: 49).
If he left the law of God, then it should be removed from office.
5. Decided Case By Adil
   Messenger of Allah said, "It is not a leader unless he has a case to come to him on the Day of Judgement with the attached conditions, whether he would be saved by the justice, or will dijerusmuskan by kezhalimannya." (Reported by Bayhaqi from Abu Hurairah in the book of Al-Kabir).
6. Not Required At Closing People's Self.
    Man should always open the door to any complaints and problems rakyat.Rasulullah said, "It is not a leader or government that closes its doors to the needs, hunger, and poverty unless God would shut the doors of heaven to the needs, hunger, and poverty." (Reported by Imam Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi).
7. Advises the people
    Messenger of Allah said, "It is not a leader who holds the affairs of the Muslims and he did not mean it and do not advise them, unless the leader is not going to go to heaven with them (the people)."
8. Not Accepting Gifts
    One of the people who give a gift to a leader must have ulterior motives, whether to close or take hati.Oleh Therefore, let a leader refused the gift of rakyatnya.Rasulullah said: "Giving gifts to the leader is treason." (History Thabrani).
9. Finding a Good Leader
    Messenger of Allah said, "It is not God sent a prophet or the caliph makes an exception was with them that class of officials (servants). That is the official who ordered the good and pushed it there, and officials who ordered the munkar and pushed it into sana.Maka people who are awake people are guarded by God, "(Bukhari from Abu said Radhiyallahu'anhu).
10. Gentle
    Rasullullah prayer, 'O Allah, whoever to take care of my people, then he mempersulitnya case, then persulitlah it, and whoever is taking care of one thing to my people, then he berlemah softly to them, then berlemah gentle to him.
11. Honest.
      What was conveyed to the public should be implemented, and what it says must be in accordance with his deeds.
12. Believe and do good.
     It is certain, of course. We must elect leaders who believe, devoted, always run the commands of Allah      and his messenger. Since this is the way of truth that brings to life a peaceful, peaceful, and happier world and the hereafter. Besides it should also practice the faith that it is in the form of pious charity.
13. Hear the voice of lead.
     Rasulullah SAW said, "It is not a leader or government that closes its doors to the needs, hunger, and poverty unless God would shut the doors of heaven to the needs, hunger, and poverty." (Reported by Imam Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi).
14. Knowledgeable.
Leaders must have good knowledge of the world science and eschatology. Because with this knowledge it will bring change for the better in the form of both physical and spiritual development, both pemabanugnan infrastructure and human development itself.

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