Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


mesin pembuat biobriket


Bio-briquettes machine is one of the devices that can changes organic trash becomes one the new alternative energy and modification energy by the appropriate and right process.  To knowing what this machine can be process organic trash to briquettes (bio-briquettes), so needed the method of testing and the analysis of test result to gets the data that relevance with the performance of this bio-briquettes maker machine. Therefore, the data that used in this research as the reference in decision making, what this machine can be success to process organic trash to bio-briquettes or not.
     After conduct the series of testing on bio-briquettes maker machine from organic trash, we can conclusion that this machine had been still failure in producing and processing organic trash to bio-briquettes favorably, and it need a little modification post of mincing process. This matter gets from the result of testing that conducts in the part of mincing system. The result of early hypotheses shows that the failure on this mincing system there are inexpediency between design and making of bio-briquettes machine. This matter is makes the mincing system not working appropriate with planner desirability. However, the depressor system of this machine is already good and this matter is appropriate with testing that already done.
Keywords: bio-briquettes maker machine, bio-briquettes, performance testing

Biobriket machine is one of the machines processing organic waste into fuel one of the alternatives that are being developed by several parties at this time (www. Energy efficient 2009), this in because the price of raw materials are cheap, easy on the can and at the same can reduce the buildup of organic waste that is pad today. But to get good heat value memeng be some process must go through the exact composition and also the benefit of organic waste into organic fuel alternatives. This makes some of the race - the race for the elaborated a technology to utilize waste into new and renewable energy, by creating and meyempurnakan tools or machines that can process waste into raw materials for more efficient alternatives again as one example of those who are megembankan and meyempurnakan and helps reduce the buildup of waste in poor urban environments and the environment around campus, Muhammadiyah University of Malang majoring in Mechanical Engineering in this case the Department of Mechanical Engineering students are designing, manufacturing and biobriket meyempurnkan a maker of cheap and accurate compared to existing machines on the market today. Due to generate good and menenuhi biobriket terms then in need of a good production machine anyway, to prove that the machine is included in the machinery of production is good (efficient and precise) or bad (inefficient), we need to do testing and analysts on the machine . Which output of the testing and analysis is in the form of data - data and analysis results of the experiment. Once we get the data - data that can help us see whether the machine was within the criteria of a good (efficient and precise) or bad (inefficient), after which we analyzed data from the data obtained from testing of the production machine (the machine biobriket) them. As for the part - the part that becomes the center pegamatan from this production machine (the machine biobriket) the components contained in the existing system on the machine is either the primary system as well as other supporting systems. This is reasonable because sagatlah to make or produce a product in this biobriket good and they would be accepted in the market it is necessary to machine or tool, efficient and appropriate. In the hope of making machine boiberiket pegujian performance, we can megetahui weaknesses and strengths of the machine, so kedepanya can make improvements to the existing components in the system is sehingan kedepanya biobriket machine this machine can be developed again into a machine that is really beneficial to everything.

1.2. Problem formulation
The formulation of the issues raised in this thesis is emphasized on Analyzes performance (meganalisa capacity generated and the machine work) from bioberiket maker of organic waste materials such as whether the machine maker orgaik biobriket of garbage can produce briquettes suitable provisions available and sold in the market.
1.3. Purpose
The purpose of analyzing the performance (capacity meganalisa generated and employment) of bioberiket maker of organic waste materials for use in the process of making this biobriket are:  
1. To get the data from biobriket engine performance. 
2. Knowing the capacity generated by the machine.  
3. Megetahui losis or losses experienced by this machine during the production process.
1.4. Limitation problem.
In this paper the author gives the following boundary problem:  
1. To see whether this machine can produce briquettes (biobriket). 
2. Analyzing the performance as follows: a. Its capacity is generated in producing biobriket) of the machine making biobriket of organic sampsh. b. Knowing the losses during the production process. 
3. Provide recommendations to the designer for the improvement of the machine when the machine is not working in accordance with the instrument designed.
1.5. Research methods
Research methods that we use in the Performance of the machine biobriket meganalisa this is experimental and we are conducting a series of experiments on this biobriket maker machine. Which series of experiments is intended that the authors get the data - data which the data - such data can assist in meganalisa ability or performance (capacity and production losses) bioberiket maker of the base material of organic waste and whether the machine is working properly.
1.6. Place And Time
The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical engineering and the area around the University of Muhammadiyah Malang University campus. The timing of the study was conducted for about 4 months of 2010.
1.7. Tool and Materials
a. Tools used
1. Machine biobriket
2. Tools: Garu (agricultural equipment).
3. Gauge time: Hours / stopwat.  
4. Weight measuring instrument: Scales.
b. Material
1. Dry organic waste: 7 kg (leaves and twigs, etc.).  
2. Wet organic waste: 3 kg (cesspit agriculture and organic household waste)  
3. Tapioca flour: 3 kg or 10% - 30%
c. research steps.
1. First test. 
 2. The second test (Test loading phase 1).  
3. The third test (Test loading stage 2).  
4. The fourth test (test loading stage 3). 
 5. The fifth test (Test loading stage 4). 

1.8. Discussion and Analysis of the data.
1. Analysis of Test 1 (no load).
From the results showed that pegujian pembut biobriket Performance of the machine base from organic waste materials indicates that the machine is working properly and in accordance with the instrument and the design diiginkan without any indication of failure in the design and manufacturer of these machines. It is based on observations and analysis on the components contained in the existing system.As well as working in lakuakn by this machine according to the desired instrument by designing and manufacturing the machine.
2. Analysis Testing 2,3,4,5 (loading stage 1,2,3,4).
In subsequent testing of the production process there is a failure in the system resulting in chopper that can not be chopped fine. This in because the distance between the plate and knife chopper regulator is difficult for the setting in accordance with keiginan.
However, other systems can work well as pegepres sysem. This system works well in accordance with the testing we did and the results match those expected.Here are the data obtained from the testing stages 2,3,4,5
a. Conclusion
1. From the pegujian 1 ie without the burden of showing that pegujian biobriket machine work properly and in accordance with the instruments planned by the designer.2. In test 2, 3, 4, 5 namely the imposition of stage 1 (2.5 kg of a mixture of organic waste), the imposition of stage 2 (5 kg of a mixture of organic waste), the imposition of stage 3 (7.5 kg of a mixture of organic waste), loading stage 4 (10 kg of organic waste mixture) showed the failure of the chopper system. The following data is in the can on the testing machine Performance biobriket (loading stage 1, 2, 3, 4):
3. Adapaun chopper cause of failure in the system are as follows:a) In designing biobriket machine to measure the distance between the blade and the hose shereder ie 1 to 1.5 mm. Namuan reality of the matter the distance between the blade and the hose shereder namely 35 mm, sehingan chopper can not work optimally.b) The hose shreder design differences between the design and manufacture.c) Distance peyetel slit plate and chopper blades that are difficult for the setting in accordance with the wishes of the location is difficult due to dilakuan setup.4. The lack sesuayan advance of designers and manufacturing of this is what makes this machine not working properly and in accordance with the wishes of the perancan.5. For other systems such as propulsion systems, system pegepres and other support systems are working properly and this oftimal be proved on the testing machine Performance biobriket either no load or in the given loading stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4.
b. Suggestion
1. Improvements in the system should dilakuan crowbar like:a. Shreder hose form the bottom.b. Distance hose shredder and chopper blades in accordance with perancagan minimized.c. Imposition on the plate setter improvement by designing the proper location in order to perform peyetingan / pegaturan slit cutting easier and akuar.2. To be a good engine meghasilakan kesesuayan should exist between the design that has been calculated with the manufacture. This is in lakuakan so that we can megetahuai whether the machine is already working with in accordance with perancangn baiak and pergitungan in laukan.3. In the chopper system should produce results from a mixture of organic waste choped the correct bebar fine (small), because the more refined results in pegepresan chopped it easier for the impact on the better biobriket that produced4. Machines should be added the cut biobriket automatically at the end of biobriket printer to produce briquettes that have the same length.5. In order briquettes can be directly used in the design then you should again put the heater on the pipe at the end of the printer. In order briquettes out of the pipe end is already in a dry objec
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