Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Healthy Sex Loving

WRONG the only form of expression of love towards your partner is sex. But sex is what should be done by married couples?
    According to Dr. Handrawan full Nadesul healthy sex and love. This is important because many cases experienced by wives who were dissatisfied because of sex her husband can not wait until the wife is ready to have sex.
    "Men tend to be faster than the readiness of the female sex 's why there is often a time gap, which eventually led to the classic problem of sex in marriage.," Said Dr. Handrawan on the sidelines of a talk show on Sun Hope, Jalan Raya No. 2A Radio In South Jakarta on Saturday (16/02/2008)
    Dr. Handrawan explained, the more intelligent husband treats sexual foreplay, the sooner ready for sex wife. And it's more on the matter of quality cocker.
    According to him, the husband is slow or fails to bring his wife to be ready for sex can indeed cause problems. This can cause problems of sexual ignorance of her husband, and his wife would find out about the lack of "diapa-how-what parts of the body" by the husband.
    "Without sexual communication is smooth and open, husband and wife fail to produce the quality of sexuality, especially if you rely solely on sex alone," he explained.
    Dr. Handrawan say, sex wife need the atmosphere. For that atmosphere needs to be built if the husband expects a beautiful sex. Sex can be started on the terrace of the living room, even in the kitchen. It is necessary to touch, warmth, and a romantic atmosphere built.
    In addition, he continued, the husband also needs to know what is not expected his wife in sex (body odor, drawstring pants, how rude). Likewise, a husband may be impaired sense of sex when the wife appears simple (in a nightgown, body odor, face masks, disposable curler).
    "In order not disturbed any communication, other sexually Sex should not be blocked or beautiful. From Mr. Pen (male genitalia) are kingsize, but rather how a husband and wife are able to build the mood to get into sexual territory." s Not forced, but full of passion, "he explained.
    According to Dr. Handrawan, Mr. Pen size is 2 inches or 6 cm, considering the most sensitive area on Ms. VG (vaginal) only one third the depth of the burrow Ms. VG. Ms. VG excitatory most sensitive area called the G-Spot.
    "So no need to enlarge or extend Mr. Pen to reach the G-Spot Pen is the wife of Mr. origin, short agile able to manipulate the G-Spot wife.," He concluded. (Tty)

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Cycle And Motor Fuel Thermodynamics

2.1 Public Understanding of Water TurbinesWater turbine is a turbine with water as the working fluid. Water flows from a higher place to lower place. In this case the water has potential energy. In this process flow in a pipeline of potential energy gradually changes into kinetic energy. In the kinetic energy turbine, the water is converted into mechanical, where the water turn turbines.2.2 Classification and Types of Water TurbinesBasically a water turbine to differentiate into two main groups in terms of changing the momentum of the fluid works, namely:- Impulse Turbine (Pelton turbine)- Turbine reaction (Francis turbine, Kaplan and Propeller)a. Pelton TurbineTurbines are included in the impulse turbine because the flow of water coming out of the nozzle pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure entirely. It is also called the same pressure turbine. Turbine is in use for a large fall turbine. Form of turbine blade consists of two symmetrical parts are raised in order to reverse the jets of water with a good and free of side forces. Not all blades accept only some of the water jets and immediately turns depends on the position of the blade. The number of nozzles depending on water capacity, each turbine can be equipped 1-6 nozzle.The main measures of Pelton turbines:D = diameter of the blade environment is subject to the emissionD = diameter of nozzleN = rotational speed turbine wheel

b. Kaplan Turbine
       Turbine is used for turbines that fell low, according to kontruksinya turbine is divided into two Kaplan turbines when one is automatic and can be driven by turbines with rotor blades fixed. Kaplan turbine blade wheel to have a construction that can move. This turbine has a turbine house so that water flows through the axial cylindrical sheath. Kaplan turbines and parts; most diversified poroskorosital peralatanya in pairs on a line.c. Kaplan turbine tube.For electric power center with a high water fall is much smaller using the Kaplan turbine tubes, because these turbines require little place and at full load rendemennya achieve 3% better than other turbines. Characteristic of this turbine is a turbine with a generator having a horizontal axis. So the flow is almost straight-line, starting from the entrance through the turbine blades and continues to drive the suction pipe, it is this which determines the yield of the turbined. Francis turbine.These turbines use more pressure on the process when water enters the wheel path, part of the energy falls have worked in the steering vane. Changed to speeds inflows. The remaining high-energy fall in use on a road with a maximum. On the outer side of the road wheels are low pressure and high flow speed of the suction pipe. Flow velocity will decrease but the pressure will go up. So water can circulate through the channels with pressure as shown below:

Classification and Types of Motor Fuel

 Klasifikasi dan Jenis Bahan Bakar Bermotor
2.2.1 Pembakaran Berdasarkan Tempat Terjadinya Berdasarkan tempat proses pembakaran bahan bakar, bahan bakar motor diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa macam, dan diilustrasikan oleh diagram berikut:
2.2.2 Berdasarkan Proses Kerja Sebelum membahas klasifikasi motor bakar didasarkan pada proses kerja, kami membatasi masalah yang dimaksud disini adalah bahan bakar motor bakar piston yang bekerja dengan menggunakan siklus Otto dan Diesel saja. Oleh karena itu, bahan bakar motor berdasarkan pekerjaannya dibagi menjadi dua langkah, yaitu motor empat langkah dan motor dua langkah, baik untuk mesin dengan mesin pembakaran dengan api pembakaran atau kompresi.
A. Langkah Empat mesin Yang dimaksud dengan langkah empat adalah empat langkah piston (piston) dan dua putaran crankshaft (poros engkol) diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan satu siklus. Keempat langkah tersebut adalah: pengisian (asupan), kompresi, usaha (daya), dan pembuangan yang dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut
1. Pendapatan Langka (0-a) Piston bergerak dari titik mati atas, katup hisap terbuka dan katup buang tertutup. Dengan demikian, campuran udara dan bahan bakar ke silinder teriduksi. Air sungai sebelum masuk silinder melalui saluran hisap di venturi karburator dipasang yang berfungsi untuk mencampur jumlah bahan bakar dengan udara di jalur aliran udara masuk dalam pendekatan proses tekanan konstan.2. Tekan langkah (ab) Mulai dari titik mati bawah ketika katup kedua ditutup, piston bergerak ke titik mati atas. Tekanan dan suhu campuran naik bersamaan dengan penurunan volume, proses ini didekati isentropik. Q = 0). Din langkah ini subjek sistem kerja dan proses adiabatik (
3. Pembakaran (bc) Mengingat saat akhiir kompresi proses di mana piston berada pada titik mati atas dalam proses volume konstan.4. Ukuran usaha (cd) Terjadi setelah tekanan pembakaran dan temperatur sehingga campuran tertinggi mendorong piston ke bawah, menghasilkan pekerjaan.

 5. Pembuangan (da) Itu adalah ketika piston berada dekat titik mati bawah, katup buang terbuka sehingga gas dari pembakaran keluar melalui katup buang sebelumnya dalam proses volume konstan dan pada langkah piston yang sama kembali ke titik mati atas. 
B. Mesin Dua Mesin diesel dan mesin Otto Langkah dapat beroperasi dalam empat langkah atau dua langkah. Motor diesel menyusun langkah ekspansi dua langkah (bisnis) dan stroke kompresi. Ketika mendekati akhir langkah ekspansi, lubang katup buang dibuka oleh dioperasikan oleh Cam poros (poros cam) diikuti dengan penurunan tekanan. Dalam gerakan berikutnya, pisto tidak mencakup inlet udara sehingga disemprotkan ke dalam silinder mendorong gas pembakaran keluar silinder. Hal ini juga bisa diganti dengan apa yang disebut sebagai crankcase pembilasan (scavenging kasus engkol). Udara masuk ke bak mesin melalui katup selama proses kompresi. Ketika piston bergerak ke atas, tekanan dalam crankcase atsmosfir negatif, sehingga udara / campuran dapat masuk ke crankcase. Ketika bisnis bergerak, piston bergerak ke bawah disertai dengan penutupan katup hisap sehingga ruang di dalam bak mesin menjadi lebih kecil sehingga tekanan crankcase tinggi pada saat piston mendekati titik mati bawah, mengisi lubang itu ditutup oleh piston . Agar tekanan udara menjadi lebih tinggi asupan dari tekanan atmosfir, hal itu akan membutuhkan peralatan tambahan yang dengan supercharger di mana blower digerakkan oleh motor atau turbin gas yang menggunakan gas buang pembakaran. Otto mesin dua langkah biasanya tidak dilengkapi dengan katup buang katup buang sehingga lubang harus dibuat pada dinding silinder di atas kepala piston ketika piston berada pada titik mati bawah yang ditempatkan berlawanan lubang pintu samping.


mesin pembuat biobriket


Bio-briquettes machine is one of the devices that can changes organic trash becomes one the new alternative energy and modification energy by the appropriate and right process.  To knowing what this machine can be process organic trash to briquettes (bio-briquettes), so needed the method of testing and the analysis of test result to gets the data that relevance with the performance of this bio-briquettes maker machine. Therefore, the data that used in this research as the reference in decision making, what this machine can be success to process organic trash to bio-briquettes or not.
     After conduct the series of testing on bio-briquettes maker machine from organic trash, we can conclusion that this machine had been still failure in producing and processing organic trash to bio-briquettes favorably, and it need a little modification post of mincing process. This matter gets from the result of testing that conducts in the part of mincing system. The result of early hypotheses shows that the failure on this mincing system there are inexpediency between design and making of bio-briquettes machine. This matter is makes the mincing system not working appropriate with planner desirability. However, the depressor system of this machine is already good and this matter is appropriate with testing that already done.
Keywords: bio-briquettes maker machine, bio-briquettes, performance testing

Biobriket machine is one of the machines processing organic waste into fuel one of the alternatives that are being developed by several parties at this time (www. Energy efficient 2009), this in because the price of raw materials are cheap, easy on the can and at the same can reduce the buildup of organic waste that is pad today. But to get good heat value memeng be some process must go through the exact composition and also the benefit of organic waste into organic fuel alternatives. This makes some of the race - the race for the elaborated a technology to utilize waste into new and renewable energy, by creating and meyempurnakan tools or machines that can process waste into raw materials for more efficient alternatives again as one example of those who are megembankan and meyempurnakan and helps reduce the buildup of waste in poor urban environments and the environment around campus, Muhammadiyah University of Malang majoring in Mechanical Engineering in this case the Department of Mechanical Engineering students are designing, manufacturing and biobriket meyempurnkan a maker of cheap and accurate compared to existing machines on the market today. Due to generate good and menenuhi biobriket terms then in need of a good production machine anyway, to prove that the machine is included in the machinery of production is good (efficient and precise) or bad (inefficient), we need to do testing and analysts on the machine . Which output of the testing and analysis is in the form of data - data and analysis results of the experiment. Once we get the data - data that can help us see whether the machine was within the criteria of a good (efficient and precise) or bad (inefficient), after which we analyzed data from the data obtained from testing of the production machine (the machine biobriket) them. As for the part - the part that becomes the center pegamatan from this production machine (the machine biobriket) the components contained in the existing system on the machine is either the primary system as well as other supporting systems. This is reasonable because sagatlah to make or produce a product in this biobriket good and they would be accepted in the market it is necessary to machine or tool, efficient and appropriate. In the hope of making machine boiberiket pegujian performance, we can megetahui weaknesses and strengths of the machine, so kedepanya can make improvements to the existing components in the system is sehingan kedepanya biobriket machine this machine can be developed again into a machine that is really beneficial to everything.